SMartcert for vendor management

Make receiving certs easy and efficient

Give your teams the centralized access, visibility, and tools to quickly review and process certs, even if your vendors aren’t on the network.

Get digitally organized

Automatically receive and organize your vendor certs in the cloud for enhanced searchability, redundancy, and backup.

Centralize vendor certs

Provide 24/7 centralized access to your teams and turn emails and digital certs into SmartCerts with the click of a button.

Streamline cert review

Search documents to easily approve or reject certs and keep vendor communication in one place. Receive updated certs in real-time.

Gather data on vendor performance 

How much are vendors costing your business? SmartCert gives you the visibility you need to assess vendor performance. This expanded access to data can define vendor scorecards and support contract requirements and goals for continuous improvement.

  • Review vendor fulfillment practices and the impact they have on your business
  • Maintain data and logs to define issues and opportunities for improvement
  • Make revenue predictable and improve your bottom line

Create a standard workflow for receiving certs 

Gone are the days of chaotic email inboxes and greasy paperwork. SmartCert gives you the power to create a standard workflow for receiving certs, even if your vendors aren’t yet on the network.

  • Automate the receipt of certs
  • Eliminate manual steps for receiving certs
  • Instantly translate documents and emails from vendors to SmartCerts
  • Receive certs and documentation at the time of shipment
  • Quickly communicate with teams on shipment status
  • Timestamp when certs are received and updated
  • Build your cloud backup of certs from vendors
  • Search, sort, and filter through certs in seconds

Bring the team together

Remove the barriers to communication within your teams on the status of certs in your internal workflow. Centralize your efforts for receiving, reviewing, and processing certs in a shared dashboard.

  • Eliminate costly delays in your receiving process
  • Simplify the steps to receive, review, and process certs
  • Get visibility on the status of a cert package
  • Review activity by individual team members
  • Easily expand your team and processes as new talent is hired

Speed up your review and approval process

Gone are the days of chaotic email inboxes and greasy paperwork. SmartCert gives you the power to create a standard workflow for receiving certs, even if your vendors aren’t yet on the network.

  • Automate the receipt of certs
  • Eliminate manual steps for receiving certs
  • Instantly translate emails and documents from vendors to SmartCert
  • Receive certs and documentation at the time of shipment
  • Quickly communicate with teams on shipment status
  • Timestamp when certs are received and updated
  • Build your cloud backup of certs from vendors
  • Search, sort, and filter through certs in seconds

Elevate vendor collaboration & cert management

Harness the power of streamlined reviews, automated updates, and efficient workflows, all while fostering seamless interactions with your team and vendors.

Automate cert rejections and updates

Maintain communication with vendors in one centralized location when certs have been rejected, enabling oversight and preserving the same process and workflow for receiving updated certs.

Spend less time creating certs for customers

Build your cert packages with the digital documents received from suppliers. Make the adjustments you need to fulfill customer requirements or protect sensitive data or supplier information.

Introduce SmartCert to your vendors

Educate your vendors and encourage participation on the SmartCert network using customizable templates and resources.

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See what else SmartCert can do

receipt of Certs

approve or reject certs

centralized dashboard

cert processing tools


cloud storage

Ready to streamline how
you manage your certs?

SmartCert has everything you need to seamlessly receive, manage, create, and share your certs. Book a discovery call today to get started.



Streamline vendor management with centralized access, visibility, and tools for cert processing.


Eliminate inefficient internal processes and document silos to communicate easier and move parts faster.


Deliver standout service and delivery automation by putting the tools your team needs at their fingertips.



Make it easy for procurement to receive 
and review certs from vendors.


Implement more efficient and accurate cert processes powered by AI and automation.


Remove organizational silos with AI-powered automation and centralized dashboards.

Consolidated, streamlined supply chain management

smartcert features

AI & Automation

Improve the way you create and manage certs with AI and automation.

Automated receipt

Get the speed, control, and access you need to move product.


Create and deliver transparency, trust, and peace of mind.


Access and share documents with the click of a button.


Organize your certs in the cloud.


Speed up your cert review process


Trust SmartCert to keep your data and documents secure.


Adjust and update certs with ease.


Create and send certs easily, with 24/7 centralized access.


Power your systems with SmartCert’s cloud network.


Add enhanced visibility, traceability, and security to your supply chain